Leading the Recommendation and Search teams in iFood. Co-founded Hekima, an AI company that started takling social media problems and pivoted to make AI/Big Data projects to the largest companies in Brasil. Hekima was acqui-hired in 2020 by iFood --------- Luiz Felipe Mendes holds a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), and a Master's degree in Computer Science at UFMG in the area of linear combination of features in algorithms based on Decision Trees. During graduation, he participated for two years in the Programming Languages Laboratory (LLP) where he worked implementing metrics and doing experiments in the Project "CONNECTA: Connectivity in Modules" which aimed to estimate the amplitude of propagation of contractual modifications in object-oriented software. He worked as a Data Scientist in the development team at Hekima, creating the Zahpee software from the beginning of the project in the definition of algorithms and methods to be implemented. He worked as a Solution Leader for data science projects for large clients such as AMBEV, Raízen, Fiat, JCPM Group, among others. He is a speaker at several conferences on Machine Learning, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and Data Storytelling, at institutions such as UFMG, PUC, CEMIG, WorkData, CEFET, Machine Learning Meetup, among others. Provided consultancy to IGTI - Institute of Information Technology Management in the construction of two postgraduate courses: Data Engineering and Machine Learning. In 2020, along with the other partners, he sold Hekima (AI company) to iFood and became the Head of Data Science with a focus on recommendation and search. Graduation in Computer Science - Federal University of Minas Gerais Master in Computer Science - Federal University of Minas Gerais